Investigation of directional reflectance in boreal forests with an improved 4-Scale model and airborne POLDER data 
Sylvain G. Leblanc1,Patrice Bicheron2,Jing M. Chen 1,
Marc Leroy2 , and Josef Cihlar1
1Canada Centre for Remote Sensing 
588 Booth Street, 4th Floor 
Ottawa, Canada K1A 0Y7 
2Centre d'études spatiales de la biosphère (CESBIO)
18 av, Edouard Belin
31401 Toulouse
CEDEX 4 France 
Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (1997) 
Revised September 1998
Published May 1999 (vol. 37, No. 3, pp.1396-1414) 
Airborne POLDER (POLarization and Directional Earth Radiation) data acquired during the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS) and the 4-Scale model of Chen and Leblanc [10] are used to investigate radiative transfer in boreal forest. The 4-Scale model is based on forest canopy architecture at different scales. New aspects are incorporated into the model to improve the physical representation of each canopy: 1) an elaborate branch architecture is added, 2) different crown shapes are used for conifer and deciduous forests, 3) a bi-layer version of the model is introduced for forest canopies with an important understory, and 4) the natural repulsion effect is considered in the tree distribution statistics. Ground measurements from BOREAS sites are used as input parameters by the model to simulate measurements of bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) from four forest canopies (old black spruce, old aspen, old and young jack pine) acquired by the POLDER instrument from May to July 1994. The model is able to reproduce with a great accuracy the BRDF of the four forests. The importance of the branch architecture and the self-shadowing of the foliage is emphasised. 

I.  Introduction

It is a well known fact that the angular reflectance of the earth vegetation surface is anisotropic. The reflectance of forest canopies has been studied using satellite [12][36]  and ground-based measurements [14] or models [24]. Modelling the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) is necessary for the understanding of the information contained in remote sensing measurements and is a critical step in determining biological properties of canopies. Dense forests and crop fields have been simulated by turbid-media radiative transfer models [16][26][28][33]. For sparse forests, geometric-optical models [19][20][27][32] have been used. Validations of such BRDF models using remote sensing measurements [21][29] increases the understanding of physical processes in forest canopies. A rigorous validation of a model requires in situ measurements of biophysical parameters with simultaneous remote sensing measurements. 
During the BOREAS project [30], conducted in Canada, airborne BRDF measurements were collected using the POLDER instrument. The instrument consists of a CCD matrix with a very wide field of view and a rotating filter wheel [13]. It is well adapted to the characterisation of the hotspot [2] and allows the derivation of directional measurements on each grid point of extended areas [17]. Several datasets of BRDF measurements were consequently acquired over different boreal conifer and deciduous forests during spring and summer 1994 in the southern study area of BOREAS [1]. The differences of angular signatures from deciduous and conifers forest must be investigated by taking into account the biophysical and structural parameters specific to each canopy type. The effects of forest canopy architecture on remote sensing measurements have been closely studied in recent years [4][8][15]. One way to understand airborne measurements is to simulate the radiative transfer processes in the forest using a model which closely represents the physical reality. 
The 4-Scale radiative transfer model [10] introduced several physical aspects that have not been adequately considered in previous models: the canopy consists of a non-random distribution of discrete trees with structural components such as branches, shoots and leaves or needles. The hotspot is modelled on both the canopy and the ground and is calculated based on a canopy gap size distribution. Tree crown surfaces are treated as a three-dimensional medium in which mutual shadows of leaves (or shoots for conifers) can be observed even on the sunlit side of the crown. 
In this paper, new aspects are added to the model. It is now possible to specify the branches and leaves orientations within the tree crowns. The natural repulsion effect on the tree distribution is now simulated. A spheroid crown shape with its specific foliage self-shadowing is used to model deciduous species. Furthermore, canopy sites, which contain an important understory, can be simulated with a double-canopy version of the model. 
Four canopy sites; Old Black Spruce; Old and Young Jack Pine; and Old Aspen are investigated with emphasis on their structural differences by comparing the POLDER measurements with 4-Scale in two ways: the first consists of direct BRDF comparisons in the principal and perpendicular planes and the second uses the instrumental configuration to compose a BRDF with a high angular resolution. These comparisons also serve to demonstrate the 4-Scale model versatility. The importance of the branch architecture and the self-shadowing of the internal foliage in the crown is shown by comparing outputs of the model with and without these considerations. 

II.  Four-Scale model

The 4-Scale model was developed by Chen and Leblanc [10] as an improvement over previous geometric-optical models. The model focuses on the mathematical description of forest canopy architecture at various scales. 

Trees are modelled as discrete objects; for conifers 4-Scale uses a cone plus a cylinder shape [27] (see Fig. 1) to represent the crown. The crown's surface is treated as a complex medium where shoots (or leaves for deciduous canopies) can cast shadows on each other so that even on the sunlit side of a crown, the viewer can see shaded foliage. The patchiness of the stand tree distribution is simulated with the Neyman type A distribution [25]. The Neyman distribution uses the probability of having groups of trees randomly distributed in a forest. Both the group size and the location of the group follow a Poisson distribution, hence the notation double Poisson distribution is also used to describe it. The gap fraction is computed using the Neyman distribution with an averaged gap probability within the tree crowns and a negative binomial function. These functions allow the sun's beam and view line penetration into multiple trees to compute the overlapping of the crowns. The hotspot is modelled with two kernels, one uses the gap size distribution within the crowns for the canopy hotspot and the other one uses the gap size distribution between the tree crowns for the ground hotspot. The size of the leaves or shoots, the density of tree stands, and the crowns size are important factors in determining the shape of the hotspot. 

The model parameters can be separated in three categories; 
1) sites parameters (domain size, leaf area index, tree density, tree grouping index with quadrat size and solar zenith angle), 

2) tree architecture parameters (crown radius and height, apex angle, needle-to-shoot ratio, foliage clumping index and tree foliage typical size), and

3) reflectivities of the foliage and the ground. These later parameters depend on the sensor and the wavelength used and thus can be seen as more adjustable than the architectural parameters. 

The model finally computes four surface proportions: foliage illuminated (PT), foliage shaded (ZT), and ground illuminated (PG) and shaded (ZG). Each proportion is multiplied by its reflectivity factor that depends on the wavelength used: 

    r = PT ·RT + ZT ·RZT + PG ·RG +ZG ·RZG 

A.  Branch architecture

To improve the radiation transfer simulation within the crowns in the 4-Scale model, a substantial branch architecture is included in this paper. This architectural level is an important aspect of forest canopies because of the difference in branch and leaf spatial and angular distribution patterns among the different species. In conifer stands, shoots usually act as the foliage elements in radiation interception. Chen and Black [6] developed a mathematical description of branch architecture for radiative transfer models. Using the same basic formulation, with the addition of a more realistic branch structure with leave (or shoot for conifers) and branch thickness, the branch architecture is adapted for discrete trees. This enables the study of the effects of the branch and leaf orientations on the radiative transfer processes. The following assumptions are made:
1- leaves (or shoots) are the foliage elements (scatterers),
2- foliage clumping occurs at both the branch and needle levels, the branch level clumping is implicit in the branch architecture,
3- a branch is a flat slab of foliage whose thickness is small but not negligible compared with other dimensions,
4- the foliage element is a 3-dimensional object whose thickness is small but not negligible compared with its other dimensions,
5- the elements are randomly distributed spatially within the confinement of the silhouette of each branch,
6- the normal to each branch at a fixed angle to the vertical is randomly oriented azimuthally around the centre of the tree
7- branches are confined in discrete tree silhouettes.
In 4-Scale, the probability of a beam passing through an individual crown is expressed [10] as 
     Pgap(q) = e-G(q)Lo·WE/gE
where G (q) is the projection of unit leaf area (q can either be the zenith angle for the sun's beam, qs, or for the view line, qv), WE is the clumping index of the crown's scatterers, gE is the needle-to-shoot area ratio which is unity for non-coniferous trees, and Lo = m·s(q) is the leaf area index (LAI) accumulated over the path of the sun's beam or view line that depends on the foliage density m = L/(V ·D/B) and the mean path `s(q) = V/ S ·cos(q) in one tree crown, where V is the volume of the crown; D is the number of stem per domain, B is the size of the domain; S is the projection of the tree crown on the ground and, L is the LAI of the stand. Previously with G(q) = a-bq, it has been possible to simulate some architecture within the crowns, but G(q) can be found for a specific branch structure. We define an effective projection of unit leaf area as
GE(q) = G(qWE/gE
so (2) becomes

Pgap(q) = e-GE(q)Lo
The branch architecture will serve to compute GE(q) directly from the orientations of the branches and leaves. Figure 2 is a schematic representation of a branch architecture for a conifer. In this representation, a branch can be seen as a ``large porous leaf."

The probability of j branch overlapping in the direction of the beam over a length `s(q) can be expressed using the Poisson distribution as [6]:

Pbj(q) = [Gb(q) Lob]j· e-Gb(q) Lob

Lob = mb · _
is the branch silhouette area index accumulated over the path within the crown and

mb = Lb/(V ·D/B),
is the branch silhouette density, Lb is the branch silhouette area index, defined as the total branch silhouette area per unit of ground surface area. Lb is related to the LAI as 

Gb¢(q) ì
cosab cosq                       q £ p/2-ab
cosab cosq é
1+ 2(tanx -x)
      q > p/2-ab
x = cos-1 (cotab cotq)
where ab is the branch inclination from the horizontal. G¢b(q) is valid for flat branches with negligible thickness. For branches with thickness, it becomes: 
Gb(q) = Gb¢(q) + sin[cos-1(Gb¢(q))]Rb
where Rb is the ratio of the thickness of a branch (arbitrary taken in this paper as 0.1 m) over its length (r/cos ab). The probability of a beam travelling through gaps between leaves within a branch oriented at an angle b with respect to the beam azimuthal direction is determined by the branch leaf area index (LL), and the incident angle (qb) of the beam to the normal to the branch. qb is defined as

cosqb = |sinqsinabcosb+ cosqcosab|.
Branches are symmetrically distributed around the centre of the trees, hence the probability of a beam passing through one branch is:
PL1(q) =  1


PL1(q,b) = exp[-GL(q) LL/gEcos(qb)].
GL(q) is computed by replacing ab by aL in (9) and (11) and using the ratio RL instead of Rb. RL is the ratio of the thickness of a leaf over its length. This ratio is larger for conifers than deciduous trees because it expresses the thickness of the shoot over its length. aL is the leaf inclination from the horizontal. The probability of a beam passing through j branches without interception is found by multiplying the probability of passing through one branch j times:
PLj(q) j
i = 0
PL1(q) = PjL1(q).
The probability of a beam encountering and passing through j layers of branches without interception is then found by multiplying the probability of having j overlappings of the branches by the probability of passing through j branches:
Pj(q) = Pbj(q)PLj(q).
The summation of all probabilities of Pj(q) gives the probability that a beam passes through the tree crown:
Pgap(q) nb
j = 0
where nb is the maximum number of branches that can be encountered along the mean path [`s](q). From this, we can compute the effective projection of unit foliage, GE(q), by equating (4) and (17):
ln é
1/ nb
j = 0
Pj(q) ù

Both (17) and (18) are then used in the model instead of (3) and (4). Figure 3 shows the effect of the branch architecture on the gap fraction for a black spruce stand, the parameters used are the same as the for POLDER comparison found in Table 1. The effects of the branch architecture on the gap fraction vary greatly with the view angle because the overlapping crown probability has an important role in the gap fraction computation. The case when both the branches and shoots are horizontal (ab = 0° and aL = 0°) gives the lowest gap fraction for most view zenith angles (qv). The penetration within one crown increase as the view angle approaches 75°, but the view line penetrates so many crowns that the resulting gap fraction is similar to the other simulated branch structures. Only the random case (simulated with G(q) = 0.5) gives a larger gap fraction for view zenith angles larger than 60°. At nadir the values are all very similar because of the large pathlenght through the tree crowns, the main component of the gap fraction comes from gap in the canopy between the crowns which is around 0.75 at nadir. When comparing the branches at 75° with horizontal shoots to the case where the shoots are at 75° with horizontal branches, we see that larger gap fractions can be found in view zenith angle from 0° to around 50° for the more vertical shoots. When both the branches and the shoots are at 75° the branch architecture increases the probability of seeing the ground near nadir and decreases it at larger view zenith angles.

In these branch architecture simulations, the length of the branches must not exceed the height of the crown as ab gets close to 90°. For large values of ab , it is preferable to use a fix value for Rb.

B  Spheroid crown shape

For the simulation of coniferous forests, the cone and cylinder crown shapes are suitable [10][27]. For deciduous forest canopies, a spheroid shape like the one used by Li and Strahler [18] is more appropriate (see Figure 1). The crown shape serves to determined the projected area on the ground and the volume of the crown which is used for the calculation of the mean path through a crown. The projected area of an individual crown on the ground in the viewer's direction (Vg) becomes

Vg pr2
qv¢ = tan-1 é
tan(qv) ù
and b = Hb/2. Considering this new shape, the different terms in the probability of seeing illuminated foliage PTf [10] without taking into consideration the hotspot, are consequently modified. We have:
PTf = Pti·Q1tot + [1-Pti]·Q2tot
Where Pti is the observed proportion of illuminated surface, for a spheroid shape it is computed as [32]:
Pti = 0.5 [1 + cos]
cos = cosqs¢cosqv¢+ sinqs¢sinqv¢cosf,
and qs¢ is defined like qv¢ as
qs¢ = tan-1 é
tan(qs) ù
Q1tot represents the portion of observed sunlit imaginary surface occupied by sunlit foliage and Q2tot is the proportion of viewed sunlit foliage on a self-shaded part of the crown. Q1tot and Q2tot are first computed over a single tree crown and then summed over all the trees reached over the view path (see Chen and Leblanc [10]). On a discrete crown, Q1tot and Q2tot are:
Q1 = G(x) [1-e-LH(Cs+Cv)] é
Q2 = G(x) [e-LHCs-e-LHCv] é
where G(x) is the geometric shadow function of the foliage elements as a function of x which is found from cosx = cosqs cosqv + sinqs sinqv cosf; LH is the LAI accumulated horizontally in one tree crown. For conifers, Cv = GE(qv)/sin(qv+ a) and Cs = GE(qs)/sin(qs+ a), where a is the half apex angle of the cone. For the spheroid, Cv and Cs can be expressed as
Cs =
(qs) ·GE(qs)

2 ·r
(qv) ·GE(qv)

2 ·r

The mutual shadowing from one crown to another used in the 4-Scale model for simulating the proportion of sunlit crown with height was approximated by dividing the crown into two components: the cone and the cylinder and with the penetration through multiple crowns with Q1tot and Q2tot. For the spheroid shape, the mutual shadowing effect is only considered with Q1tot and Q2tot with a minimal effect on the final proportions since the division of the crown into two components (sunlit and shaded) for the conifers serves only as a weighting factor for Q1tot and Q2tot.

C  Overlapping of tree crowns with the repulsion effect

(see changes)
The overlapping of tree crowns computed by the 4-Scale model using the combined negative binomial and Neyman functions is often overestimated near the vertical view direction. The overestimation of the overlapping affects directly the calculation of the gap fraction. Allowing crowns to overlap at nadir, increases the gap fraction. In reality, tree overlapping in the vertical direction is very small due to the natural repulsion effect between trees in the competition for light. The overestimation of the overlapping computed is especially important for forest with large crown radius. If there is no overlapping of the crowns at nadir, the probability of seeing the ground (the gap fraction) is

Pvgn(qv) = 1-Vg(qv)·[1-Pgap(qv)] ·D/B
where Vg(qv) is the projection of one tree crown on the ground. Pgap(qv) is the gap probability within one tree, and D/B is the tree density. In forest stands, trees can be found in clusters, therefore as the view angle differs from nadir, there is a probability of overlapping. We assume that the gap fraction value (now denoted Pvgo) found with the negative binomial and the Neyman distribution, is valid at large zenith angles. The resulting gap fraction is given by
Pvg(qv) = Pvgo(qv)+ [ Pvgn(qv)- Pvgo(qv)]FO(qv)
where FO(qv) controls the rate at which the repulsion effect is reduced as the zenith angle increases. It is defined here as
FO (qv) = exp é
- (VG(qv)-VG(qv = 0))·Pvgo(qv)
VG(qv = 0)·Pvgo(0)
Figure 4 shows the gap fraction with and without the repulsion effect. The effect is more pronounced for the jack pine simulation than the black spruce one. Both forests have a density of 4000 stems per hectare, but the foliage density inside the crown is more dense for the black spruce forest. Because of the opacity of black spruce crowns the chances of passing through more than one crown was diminished, so the overlapping did not change much of the gap fraction in the vertical direction, but the jack pine forest allows more penetration, so more overlapping means larger gap fractions. In the simulation, FO can be multiplied by a factor (0 to 1) which represents the percentage of repulsion desired.

D.  Bi-layer forest

Modelling forest canopies is often confronted by the complexities of mixed forests with trees of different shapes and sizes. Some special cases can be modelled with a few modifications of the 4-Scale model. The BOREAS Old Aspen site, which is composed of tall aspen trees and short hazelnut shrubs presents a new challenge for BRDF modelling. To study this double-canopy structure (see Fig 5), a new module is added to the 4-Scale model. For one-canopy structure the BRDF is computed using () by attributing reflective factors to four surface proportions. When considering a second canopy, two new components are calculated: the second (lower) canopy illuminated and shaded components.

Assuming that the lower canopy is much shorter than the upper one, the upper canopy is then independent of the lower one, i.e., the shadow cast by the lower canopy doesn't affect the view and illumination of the upper canopy. The new process can be separated in three steps:

Step 1: the original 4-Scale model is run with the parameters from the upper canopy, a subscript 1 is added to the notation for the upper canopy, and subscript 2 for the lower canopy. The only parameter change is the effective height, which is used in the calculation of the ground hotspot kernel, that must be reduced to take into account the lower canopy. This is done by reducing the value of Ha1 (the height of the part without foliage of the upper canopy) by the total height of the lower canopy (Ha2+Hb2 + Hc2). The change in Ha1 affects only the in-between crowns hotspot calculation. Because the trees are assumed to be at equal height, the overshadowing of tree crowns does not depend on the crown base height.

Step 2: the original 4-Scale model is run with the parameters of the lower canopy. It must be noted that for the hazelnut canopy, the overlapping of the crowns is allowed at nadir to better represents the real canopy.

Step 3: with the four components of step 1 and 2, plus the gap fraction from both canopies, the six portions of the double-canopy structure can be computed.

The two components of the upper canopy (PT1 and ZT1) are taken directly from step 1. The probability of seeing illuminated foliage on the lower canopy if the upper canopy is absent was computed in step 2 (PT2), but the solar beam that reaches the lower canopy and is reflected to the viewer has the probability of PG1, thus the probability of seeing illuminated foliage in the lower canopy in the presence of an upper canopy is simply

PT2¢ = PG1 ·PT2.
The probability of seeing shaded foliage in the lower canopy is found by subtracting the probability of seeing the illuminated lower canopy (PT2¢) from the probability of seeing the foliage in the lower canopy through the upper one (Pst2¢):
ZT2¢ = Pst2¢ - PT2¢
Pst2¢ = (1-Pvg2)·Pvg1
where Pvg1 and Pvg2 are the probabilities of seeing the background through the upper and lower canopy respectively. The probability of seeing the ground illuminated under the bi-layer canopy can be found by multiplying the probability of seeing the lower illuminated surface (ground or lower canopy) of both canopies:
PG = PG1·PG2
The sum of the six components must be unity, therefore the probability of seeing the ground shaded can be found by subtracting the five probabilities from one:
ZG = 1 - PT1 - ZT1 - PT2¢ - ZT2¢ - PG.
The total reflectance becomes:
r = PT1 ·RT1 + ZT1·RZT1+ PT2 ·RT2+ ZT2 ·RZT2 + PG·RG +ZG·RZG

III Comparison between model and airborne 

The improvements of the 4-Scale model described above, and the knowledge of ground biophysical parameters, permit the comparison of the measurements by the POLDER instrument and the model results.

A. Sites description

The four boreal forests investigated in this paper were all BOREAS sites. Many optical and canopy architectural measurements were made during the experiment at the same sites by different teams. Those measurements are the basis for the 4-Scale model input parameters. They are summarised in the Table 1.

1)  Old black spruce

The Old Black Spruce (OBS) in the Southern Study Area (SSA) is situated near Candle Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada. Typical black spruces (Picea mariana) have a crown shape consisting of a cone on top of a cylinder. The conical part generally has a denser foliage than the cylindrical part. The length of the cylinder is usually much greater than the height of the cone and the foliage is close to the trunk. Below the crown is the trunk space which has very little foliage. Black spruce trees have a horizontal branch structure with shoots mostly orientated parallel to the plane of the branches. The branches, around half a meter in length, are small compared to the height (5-10 m for the dominant trees) of the tree. Therefore, black spruce crowns have a pencil-like shape. Measurements show that even with a horizontal branch architecture, the projection coefficient G(q), is well approximated by a fixed value of 0.5 [4]. A LAI from 4 to 6 [11] with a clumping index WE of 0.70 and a needle-to-shoots ratio gE of 1.41 were measured [9] for this site. Black spruce needles reflectivity ranges from 6 to 13% in the red band and around 40 to 50% in the near-infrared band. The OBS site has a density of around 4000 stems per hectare, with trees aged up to 155 years. A crown closure of 0.42 was measured, therefore the understory and the ground components are very important especially near the vertical view direction. The understory is composed of smaller black spruce (1-5%) and Labrador tea, and the ground surface is covered by sphagnum moss. The ground surface has reflectivities lower than the foliage in both red (4-6%) and near-infrared band (around 25%). This site is not uniform, mainly because of the height variability and tree distribution.

2) Young jack pine

The Young Jack Pine (YJP) in SSA is also situated near Candle Lake, Saskatchewan. The form of the tree crown is not as well defined as it is for the black spruce. A cone and cylinder-like shape can still be seen in many trees but it is more irregular and the cylinder is less elongated than the black spruce. A density of 4000 stems per hectare was measured on this site. The young jack pine crown radius is larger than the OBS trees at around 1 m with a mean tree height between 4 and 5 metres. Jack pines (pinus banksiana) have near-horizontal branches, but the sub-branches and shoots are more vertical. The main axes of the shoot are mostly between 5 and 10 degrees with a maximum between 10 and 30° from the zenith [4]. With a LAI of 2.6 to 3.1 [11], the crown foliage density is lower for the young jack pine than for the black spruce, which gives a crown closure similar to the black spruce site (0.43). The needle-to-shoot ratio gE was found to be 1.43 [9]. The needle reflectivity for jack pine trees is lower than the black spruce in the red with 5 to 8 % but a little higher in the near-infrared with 50 to 55 %. The average age of the YJP tree is between 11 and 16 years old. Jack pine forests are often found on sites after fires, and are almost even age. This site does not have an important understory, but the ground cover is composed of grasses, bearberry, and some lichens.

3)  Old jack pine

The southern Old Jack Pine site (OJP) is situated near the YJP site. This forest has a lower tree density than the YJP site with 1850 stems per hectare and a LAI of 2.0 to 2.5 [11], this yields a crown closure of only 0.31. The trees are 12 to 15 metres in height. The old jack pines exhibit large crowns with a mean radius between 1.25 and 1.5 m. From visual observations, a branch architecture similar to young jack pines is found in older jack pine. The needle-to-shoot ratio is smaller in the old jack pine than the younger ones with gE = 1.28. The trees are around 60-75 years old. Opposite to the OBS stand, which has many small young black spruce as its understory, the OJP background is very reflective and is mainly composed of lichens which appears in white colours.

4)  Old aspen

The Old Aspen (OA) site is located in the Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan, Canada. Aspen (Populus tremuloides) is the major deciduous species in the boreal environment and cover approximately 20 % of the southern boreal landscape. The aspen site has trees at an even-age of about 70 years. The density of the OA site is the lowest of the four canopies investigated in this paper with around 850 stems per hectare [7]. The aspens are very tall with an average height of 21.5 meters. Most of the leaves and branches are found in the upper 7-meter part of the canopy which has a large trunk space. The foliage area varies considerably during the year. A maximum LAI of 2.4 was found around mid-July 1994. An important understory composed of hazelnut (Corlus cornuta) is present with a maximum LAI of more than 3 from around mid-June to the end of August. The monthly variation in LAI is very sharp during the month of May. LAI increased from zero to around 2 while buds emerge in late April followed by leaf emergence beginning in mid-May. The senescence of both overstory and understory begin in the middle of September. The aspen canopy has a clumping index WEvarying from 0.7 to 0.85, but the hazelnut is mostly unclumped (WE=0.98). The leaf reflectivity of the aspen canopy is around 5 to 10 % in the red and 40 to 50 % in the near-infrared.

B. POLDER data

1) The POLDER instrument

The airborne POLDER instrument is a radiometer designed to measure the directionality and polarization of the solar radiation scattered by the earth surface-atmosphere system [13]. The instrument produces bidimensional pictures of the ground on a CCD matrix (288 lines by 384 columns) allowing the observation of a given pixel in consecutive images under various viewing angles as shown in Fig. 6. The zenith angular coverage is ± 51 degrees in the along-track direction and ± 43 degrees in the cross track direction. Through a rotating filter wheel carrying spectral filters and polarizers by steps of 60 degrees, measurements are acquired in five spectral bands: 443 nm (three directions of polarization), 550 nm, 670 nm, 864 nm (three directions of polarization), and 910 nm. The bandwidth range is from 10 nm to 20 nm depending on the band. The ground pixel size is proportional to the instrument altitude. It is 35 ×35 m2 for an altitude of 5500 m, which was generally flown by the aircraft C-130 during the BOREAS experiment. A sequence of 10 acquisitions, corresponding to 10 positions on the filter wheel, is performed within 3 seconds. The sequences are repeated every 10 seconds.
Several calibrations of the POLDER instrument were made before and after the BOREAS experiment, on May 11 and October 24, 1994, respectively, at Laboratoire d'Optique Atmophérique (Lille, France), and during the campaign, on May 27 and July 21, 1994, using a 30-inch diameter portable hemisphere [22] operated by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The derived values of the absolute calibration coefficients are alike, with an average-peak discrepancy generally on the order of 5 % depending on the band [1]. It allows the conversion of POLDER measurements into radiances, then into reflectances after taking into account the exoatmospheric solar irradiance and the zenith angle.

2) Data acquisition

Mounted onboard the C-130 airplane from NASA-Ames, the POLDER instrument acquired multiple images in the principal, perpendicular and oblique planes relative to the sun over the sites of the BOREAS southern study area during the first two Intensive Field Campaigns (IFC-1 and IFC-2) from May to July 1994. POLDER recorded the aircraft position and altitude, and also gave the approximate position of a given pixel in any image. Ground control point techniques are used to fine-tune the geometric co-registration of the whole set of images of each flight. For each POLDER image, the pixel value of the CCD matrix yields a single directional spectral reflectance. Therefore, the processing of successive images permits the reconstruction of the BRDF for each tower site, averaged for a 175 ×175 m2 area. For a typical C-130 flight altitude and speed, an angular step of approximately 10 degrees is obtained, as shown in Figs. 7a and 7b for the sites Old Aspen (May 26), and Old Jack Pine (July 21), respectively.

The POLDER concept also allows the derivation of directional measurements on each grid point of extended areas surrounding the tower site. This has been applied to the datasets of Old Black Spruce and Young Jack Pine, acquired on July 21, for an area of 5 ×5 km2 with a spatial resolution degraded to 100 ×100 m2. For a sharp investigation of forest directional reflectance, the ``typical" BRDF of POLDER, as shown in Fig. 7c and 7d, does not use the optimal angular resolution that can be achieved by POLDER. For both datasets of Old Black Spruce and Young Jack Pine, we suppose that the adjacent pixels of the supersites are identical to those of the supersites within an area of 900 ×900 m2. This hypothesis is judged realistic because it is known from available cover maps that all the pixels within the window of 81 pixels belong to the same species. All these pixels have a directional sampling slightly different from each other because they are observed under different angular conditions. Therefore, collecting BRDF measurements on points within 900 meters from the tower sites and superimposing them, we compose a new BRDF with a high directional resolution. As about 40 reflectance measurements per pixel are obtained, a complete BRDF with 3240 points (81 pixels × 40 reflectance) is thus produced from both sites (Figs. 7a and 7b). Although the 81 pixels in each site seem to have quite a large tree height variation (7.5 m-12.5 m for Old Black Spruce, 2.5 m-7.5 m for Young Jack Pine)., the dominant trees are more similar. The height variation, not included in the model, can underestimate the amount of shaded foliage in the smaller trees due to the shadow cast by taller trees.

The atmospheric correction algorithm 6S [34] is applied to each measurement. The aerosol optical depth of the full atmosphere and the fraction below the aircraft, obtained from the BORIS database, were interpolated at 550 nm and used as inputs to the algorithm. The following values were respectively deduced for the total and below-aircraft optical depths Old Aspen (0.115, 0.075), Young Jack Pine (0.115, 0.090), Old Jack Pine (0.120,0.095), Old Black Spruce (0.135, 0.070). Moreover, a mid-arctic summer atmospheric model and a continental aerosol model were selected to characterized the atmosphere above the BOREAS sites. These assumptions may induce slight errors in the procedure, which are not expected however to modify deeply the magnitude and shape of the resulting BRDF.

C.  Results

Table 1 shows the parameters used as input to the 4-Scale model for each site taken from ground-based measurements made during BOREAS. The reflectivity factors of the four components that composed the BRDF, are based on ground measurements [3] ,[23], [31], [35].

The plots of either the principal or the perpendicular plane shown in this section were modelled discretely at the same view and solar angles as the measurements. This method of representation was chosen since the aircraft was not flying exactly in the perpendicular or principal solar plane. Continuous BRDF simulations can be seen in Figs.14 and 15.

For the comparison between the model and the measurements, the regression factor (coefficient of determination) R2 and the root mean squared (R.M.S.) difference are used as quantificative guide. R2 is generally an indication of the curves similarity and the R.M.S. indicate the numerical accuracy. Table 2 has the R2 and R.M.S. values for all the simulations. The convention used here is that the backscattering side is plotted with negative view zenith angles. For the perpendicular plane, the half plane that was closer to the backscattering side has been assigned to the negative qv.

1) Old black spruce

Figures 8a and 8b show the comparison between the model and POLDER data in the red band. R2 of 0.97 to 0.95 and R.S.M. of 0.0042 to 0.0043 are found for the principal and perpendicular site, respectively. Overall, the model slightly overestimates the measurements. Note that from Fig. 7(a), the case presented in Fig. 8(a) was about 10° from the principal solar plane, so the peak at the hotspot was not reached. The NIR modelling shows a very good agreement between the model and the measurements with R2 of 0.99 and 0.98 and R.M.S. of 0.0122 and 0.0058 for the principal and the perpendicular plane, respectively. The only difference on the principal plane [Fig. 8(c)] can be seen on the backscattering side for view angles greater than the sun angle where the model shows lower reflectance values than POLDER. This effect was also seen in a previous study [10] where the model was compared to PARABOLA data at view zenith angles larger than 60 degrees. This small discrepancy may be explained by a systematic error in the self-shadowing scheme (Q1tot) that seems to underestimate the amount of sunlit foliage and by the angle independant multiple scattering used to compute the shaded reflectivities. The perpendicular planes (Fig. 8(b) and 8(d)) are well reproduced by the 4-Scale model, with very good R.M.S. and R2 values for both planes. Other comparisons between the model and measurements made with datasets from other dates, with different solar angles, give similar agreements between the model and the measurements.

Using the parameters of the tower site, the spatialized dataset is compared with the model in Fig. 9 . Each grid point (every 5 degrees) in Fig. 9(a) and Fig. 9(b) is a weighted interpolation of the measurements. The interpolation averages the measurements and removes some effects of the inhomogeneity of the forests. Each grid point corresponding to a specific qv(0° to 60°) and f (0° to 360°) is then simulated using an averaged qs of 33.5° to give Fig. 9(c) and Fig. 9(d). For both bands, the model and the measurements have the same general shape except in the hotspot region. The aircraft flight did not allow measurements to be taken close enough to the principal plane so that the maximum in reflectance was not reached. There is a double peak in the measurements because in theory, it is symmetrical on the two sides of the principal plane. Using this symmetrical assumption the data were duplicated on the opposite site, giving a mirror effect. Figures 9e and 9f compare the POLDER measurements (x-axis) and the model (y-axis). Each modelled reflectance was done using the qv, qsand f from the measurements. The diagonal lines represents the one-to-one relationship between the model and the measurements. For the red band, a regression factor R2 of 0.97 and a R.M.S. difference of 0.0022 are computed. As in Fig. 8a, the lower reflectance values are the ones that are not well simulated, the model overestimating the reflectance on the forwardscattering side. The near-infrared simulation is also very good with a R2 of 0.99 and a R.M.S. of 0.0058. The lower reflectance values are also overestimated by the model. The regression factors are close to unity indicating that the shape of the simulations are in good agreement with the measurements.

2)  Young jack pine

It was previously found [10] that the Neyman grouping factor (m2) is about 3 for an old jack pine forest of 100 × 100 m2 divided in a hundred quadrats. This value of m2 is used here for both the young and old jack pine site.

The model mimics the observation closely in both red [Fig. 10(a) and10(b)] and NIR [Fig. 10(c) and 10(d)] bands. In Fig. 10a the model did not reproduce the measured hotspot, but it must be noted that the largest measured value is usually not exactly at the hotspot because none of the discrete qv is equal to qs. The red band principal plane gives a regression factor of R2 = 0.97 with a R.M.S. of 0.002. For the perpendicular plane, R2 is 0.85 and the R.M.S. is 0.004. The NIR simulation is generally in good agreement with a R2 equal to 0.98 and a R.M.S. of 0.01 for the principal plane. A R2 value of less than 0.01 was found for the perpendicular plane but the R.M.S. is also 0.01. This means that the curve's shape is not well modelled, in the perpendicular plane for the NIR band. The two curves diverge on the backscattering side, but the values are very similar. Based on measurements that showed that most shoots were between 10 and 30 degrees [4], a value of 20 degrees (aL = 80°) for the shoots main axis from the zenith was used in the simulation. The branch inclination was set at 15° from horizontal (ab=15°). It was observed that the YJP simulations were only slightly improved by using the branch architecture, e.g., without the branch architecture (using G(q) = 0.5 and WE = 0.72), the regression factor was 0.90 for the red band principal plane.

Figure 11 has the plots for the spatialized dataset compared with the model. The shape of the red reflectance distribution is well modelled but since the difference, although small (R.M.S. is 0.0094), is not systematic, it gives a small regression factor R2 of only 0.57. The measurements are more scattered than the simulation points. A comparison of the spatialized data near the principal plane in Fig. 11  and the POLDER reflectance measurements in the red band at the BOREAS tower site (Fig. 10) shows that the latter are in the lower values of the spatialized data . The reason may be that the extent of the forest around the site is limited (400-500 m), so some pixels included in the analysis may be of other cover types (mostly clear-cuts with higher red reflectivity). The NIR simulations also closely reproduce the measurements with a R2 of 0.92 and a R.M.S. of 0.012. NIR reflectances for the jack pine forest and the surrounding may be similar.

3)  Old jack pine

Figure 12a shows that for the red band, in the principal plane, the model results and the measurements for the OJP site are in excellent agreement (R2 is larger than 0.99 with a R.M.S. of 0.001). The addition of the branch architecture improved the similitude between the model and the measurements for this site. The same branch structure as the YJP site was used for the old jack pine trees. In the perpendicular plane (Fig.12 b), the two curves have the same inverse bowl shape, but the model is overestimates the reflectance, where R2 is also 0.99 and the R.M.S. is 0.03. Comparing the measured reflectance in the perpendicular and the principal plane, a sizeable discrepancy is found at nadir. The measured reflectance closest to nadir in the principal plane (qv = 5.1° and f = 163.7°) is 0.036 but the closest datapoint in the perpendicular plane (qv = 5.5° and f = 208.4°) is 0.032. The model computes 0.039 for both cases. This difference may be explained by the inhomogeneity of the forest in the vicinity of the tower site. Since a POLDER datapoint consists of an average of only a few pixels, some difference in the measured reflectance is expected at nadir from different flight lines which may not exactly overlap at the tower location. In the NIR band, the difference between the two planes is smaller at nadir, Fig. 12c and 12d, than that in the red band, showing good agreements between the measurements and the model for both the principal and perpendicular plane. R2 is 0.97 for the principal plane, but only 0.26 for the perpendicular plane. The R.M.S. is around 0.03 for both simulation.

2.3.4  Old Aspen

The OA site has a complex structure with distinct overstory and understory. We therefore investigated the contribution of these two layers of foliage to BRDF signature by using single and double versions of the model. In the single-canopy simulations, the reflectivity of the background incluses both understory and soil, while in the double-canopy simulations the understory is treated as a separate layer of vegetation and the background becomes soil only. Phisically, the double-canopy is a more accurate representation of this site.

It is shown in Fig. 13a and 13b that the BRDF shape of both planes in the red band BRDF are well reproduced, with R2 of 0.93 and 0.82 for the double-canopy and 0.94 and 0.82 for the single-canopy. The R.M.S. diferences between the double-canopy simulation and the data are very good with 0.0027 for the principal plane and 0.0013 for the perpendicular plane. Sligthly larger R.M.S. were found for the single-canopy version with 0.0029 and 0.0039 for the principal plane and perpendicular plane, respectively.

In the NIR band both versions of the model can reproduce very well most view angles except for large qv values on the backscattering side (Fig. 13 c). An underestimation at view angles larger than the sun angle is found. This phenomenon can not be simulated by the 4-Scale model without accurate consideration of the multiple scattering effect. The regression factor R2 are 0.89 and 0.88 for the double and single versions, respectively. The perpendicular simulation gives R2 of only 0.37 and 0.31 but the R.M.S. difference are about the same as for the principal plane, i.e., 0.01 to 0.02.

Overall, both versions performed well, and the single-canopy version gives larger reflectance values than the double-canopy version. This is probably due to the absence of the second canopy; the single-canopy induces less shadow, thus giving a larger reflectance.

IV  Discussion

The model can reproduce BRDF of the different forest canopies remarkably well. The simulations for conifer forests yield better results (R2 around 0.98 for the principal plane and R.M.S. from 0.001 to 0.03) than for the deciduous forest (R2 around 0.90 for the principal plane and R.M.S. from 0.002 to 0.02) . This is partly due to the fact that the architectural parameters used were more accurately determined for conifer forests. The black spruce site has more variability in tree height than that in jack pine, this has not be taken into account by the model causing some uncertainties in the simulated results. The spatialized simulations (Fig. 9 and 11) show that the model is able to reproduce the measurements at any view azimuth angles and that the surrounding of the BOREAS YJP site is less homogeneous than the site itself, giving a much larger reflectance in the red band.

The YJP site was well modelled with or without the branch architecture; the resulting curve were similar in both cases. This is in agreement with the fact that even with shoots oriented mainly between 10 and 30 degrees from the zenith, the YJP does not exhibit an erectophile behaviour as much as in the OJP []. The low foliage density of the OJP requires a better representation of the crown architecture to better model the light and view penetration. The larger LAI in the YJP prevents the architectural structure to influence the overall penetration.

A very large Ws was used for the YJP site to avoid very sharp hotspots, suggesting that at this site, sub-branch architecture (groups of shoots) may be more important in the estimation of mutual shadows within tree crowns than the individual shoots. Large Ws induces less clumped canopy based on gap size theories [8] which comfirms that the clumping of foliage in branches is less important for that site.

The addition of the branch architecture improved the accuracy of the old jack pine site modelling. Figure 14 shows how the branch architecture changes the BRDF of the jack pine site in the near-infrared band. The angle distribution of the shoot (20° from the zenith) induces more foliage visible at large zenith angle, and with a higher reflectivity for the foliage than for the ground, it increases the NIR reflectance. The shoots orientation also decreases the canopy gap fraction near nadir, but at those angles the canopy view path is done through multiple layer within the same tree crown. Near nadir, the branch architecture does not change much the proportion of background and canopy viewed (see the gap fraction simuation of Fig. 3). One effect of the branch architecture is to clump the foliage into branches; the difference in the simulated BRDF curves between the case with and without the architecture is small because the branch clumping effect has already been partly considered in the use of WE) for the whole stand.

The effect of the Neyman grouping index (m2) on the reflectance was not much investigated in the paper. Measurements from the old jack pine site revealed a m2 of 3, but the sampling area was too small to really see the grouping effect at large scales. The use of more quadrats can show the importance of the Neyman grouping, but it also has the disadvantage of having smaller quadrats which can cause computation errors in the gap fraction at large zenith angles when the view line or the solar beam penetration goes beyond the quadrat from the top of the canopy to the ground surface. The Neyman grouping has a strong effect on the gap fraction, but this effect is in part compensated when the total reflectance is computed after the reflectivities is multiplied by the different scene components. Reflectance from forest with a large contract between the background and canopy reflectivity would be more affected by more clumping of trees.

The mutual shadowing of leaves within tree crowns is modelled with Qtot1 and Qtot2. Although the results are good, it seems that they tend to make the hotspot too sharp, especially at large qs (see Fig. 13(c), and also Fig. 14 in [10]). Figure 15 shows simulations of the principal plane BRDF of a black spruce forest. Without the mutual shadows between leaves (which is equivalent of having Qtot1 = 1 and Qtot2 = 0) we see that the overall shape would be much different. At large view angles, on the backscattering side (negative qv), the modelled BRDF does not show a decreasing trend after the hotspot and is too large for qv between -40° and 0°. This is often seen at large qs because of multiple-scattering. In general red band BRDF is better simulated then NIR band BRDF, especially near the hotspot. This indicates that the 4-Scale model can be further improved by considering multiple-scattering effects. The model assumes trees of equal height and therefore underestimates the amount of shaded crowns seen. This underestimation could conterbalance the overestimation of shaded foliage computed with Qtot1 and Qtot2. 4-Scale needs to be further developed to consider the enhanced mutual shadows in stands with large tree height variation.

In the OA site, the number of hazelnut stems was not an important factor in the resulting BRDF especially when we put enough hazelnut silhouette to cover the ground (3200 stems/hectare and more). The aspen trees are definitely the dominant factors in the BRDF signature of this site. This explains why the BRDF was also well modelled with the single-canopy version of the model. The probability of seeing the canopy illuminated PT, or PT1 in the case of the double-canopy version, has the general shape of the BRDF curve. The aspen site provides a challenge because of the complexity of the double-canopy feature, but the model is able to simulate it with a reasonable accuracy. Althought both single and double-canopy version of the model gave similar results, the single-canopy needed to consider the hazelnut reflectivity as part of the background. The OA site also has more multiple-scattering than the other sites, and the angular independence of the multiple-scattering effect may cause considerable errors in this case. For such a complex canopy, a more accurate mathematical description of multiple-scattering is needed.

V.  Conclusion

The 4-Scale model can be seen as a link between ground and remote sensing measurements. Although it has many input parameters, it remains relatively simple and a powerful research tool. When some of the parameters are not available from measurements, the model can be run with fixed general parameters or with best estimates of the missing parameters. More details and better simulations can be achieved when all the parameters are available. The measurements taken during BOREAS have helped to show the subtle differences between the four canopies investigated in this paper. Intrinsic structural characteristics of each forest have been incorporated into the model to reproduce the BRDF acquired by POLDER. The branch architecture, as well as a good description of the mutual shadowing of the foliage inside the crown, have shown to be of great importance in the modelling of the BRDF. The branch architecture should be more important for forests with larger contrast between the reflectivities of the background and the canopy than for the jack pine sites that have a bright background. The hotspot signatures were very well modelled, proving that the hotspot kernel based on the canopy gap size distribution is a major improvement over previous hotspot models.

The POLDER instrument has proven to be a very efficient instrument capable of capturing the signatures of different forest canopies. It has the angular and spatial resolutions required to study the hotspot effect. The quality of the measurements is consistent, although some uncertainties still exist in atmospheric correction at large view angles.

With its multiple input parameters, the 4-Scale model is a flexible tool to study how canopy architecture at each scale influences the reflectance. The reason for the good simulation using only a small parameters set lies in the underlying physics of the interaction between radiation and the canopies described in the model. The parameters and the canopy architecture considerations allows sufficient flexibility of the model to simulate various canopy types. We stress, however, the advantage of this complex model over simpler geometric-optical models in its ability to simulate the BRDF over the entire angle range even with fixed general parameters.



OBS YJP  OJP  OA aspen/hazelnut (single) 
Latitude N  53.985° 53.975° 53.916° 53.629°
Longitude W  -105.12° -104.65 ° -104.69° -106.20°
Domain size  1 ha  1 ha  1 ha  1 ha
qs 33.5° 37.2° 35.0° 39.3°
LAI  4.5  2.7  2.2  1.5 / 0.5 (1.5) 
Tree Density  4000 trees/ha  4000 trees/ha  1850 trees/ha  850 / 6000 trees (850) /ha
Tree grouping (m2 3 / 0
Quadrat size  500 m2 500 m2 500 m2 285.7 m2
Ha 0.5 m  0.5 m  7.0 m  11.0 / 0.0 (11.0) m
Hb 6.5 m  2.5 m  4.0 m  7.0 / 2.0 (7.0) m
Hc(a,r) 1.9 m 1.5 m  3.2 m 
0.45 m  0.85 m  1.30 m  1.90 / 1.00 (1.9) m 
a 13° 30° 22° -
ab 15° 15° -
aL 80° 80° -
LL 0.8  0.8  -
G(q) 0.5  0.5 / 0.5 (0.5)
Ws 0.035 m  0.17 m  0.05 m  0.10 / 0.02 m (0.10)
gE 1.41  1.43  1.30  -
WE 0.70  0.80/0.98 (0.8)
RL 0.2  0.2  -
Rb 0.1 m  0.1 m  -
RT (red)  0.11  0.05  0.07 0.07 / 0.06 (0.07)
RZT(red)  0.003  0.005  0.003  0.01 / 0.02 (0.01) 
RT (nir)  0.50  0.53  0.53  0.50 / 0.50 (0.5)
RZT(nir)  0.11  0.19  0.13 0.20 / 0.30 (0.20)
RG (red)  0.04  0.05  0.09  0.04 (0.05)
RZG(red)  0.002 0.004  0.003  0.02 (0.01)
RG (nir)  0.25  0.15  0.17  0.20 (0.25)
RZG(nir)  0.11  0.08  0.09  0.15 (0.2)


List of symbols

b Major axis of the spheroid crown shape
B Domain size
D Number of trees in the domain B
FO Replusion effect function
G(q) Projection of unit leaf area
Gb(q) Projection of unit branch silhouette area
GL(q) Projection of unit branch leaf area
H Effective height ( Ha + Hb +[1/3]Hc )/cos(qs)
Ha Height of the lower part of the tree (part with no foliage)
Hb Height of the cylinders
L Leaf area index (LAI)
Lb  Branch silhouette area index
LH LAI accumulated horizontaly
LE Effective LAI for one crown
LL Branch leaf area index
Lo LAI accumulated
m2 Cluster mean size
n Number of quadrats in the Domain B
PG Probability of seeing illuminated ground area
Pgap (q) Gap probability within a tree at the angle q
Pig Probability of having an illuminated ground area
Pvg Probability of viewing the ground (gap fraction)
Pti Proportion of tree crown illuminated in the viewer direction
PT Probability of viewing sunlit trees crowns
Ptj Overlapping of j trees
r Radius of the tree crowns
R2 Coefficient of determination
[`s](q) Mean path length within a canopy
RG Background reflectivity
Rb Branch thickness-length ratio
RL Leaf (or shoot) thickness-length ratio
RT Foliage reflectivity
RZG Shaded background reflectivity
RZT Shaded foliage reflectivity
r Total reflectance
Sg(qv) Crown projection on the ground in the sun beam direction
Vg(qv) Crown projection on the ground in the viewer direction
Ws Mean width of element shadow cast inside tree crowns
a Half apex angle
ab Branch inclination from horizontal
aL Leaves or shoots orientation from horizontal
gE Needle-to-shoot area ratio
G(x)  Shadowing phase function of the foliage density
m Foliage density (inside crown)
WE Clumping index of the crown element
x Angle difference between the sun and the viewer
f Azimuth angle difference between the sun and the viewer
qs Solar zenith angle
qv  View zenith angle

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